Sound Ideas, CRASH, LIGHT BULB - GLASS, LIGHT BULB CRASH, SMASH 02 The music is an amalgam of remixed old and new tunes. The sound effects are decent but nothing special. Sound Ideas, ROCKS, EARTHQUAKE - RUMBLE, CREAKS, CRASHES, TUMBLING, AVALANCHE.Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - CARTOON RICCO 04.Sound Ideas, RICOCHET - CARTOON RICCO 01.Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - HEAVY TIMP RISE.Sound Ideas, HIT, CARTOON - COCONUT HIT 01.The voiceovers are functional but do little to further the plot or define the characters. Sound Ideas, SCI FI - WEIRD FALL, FORWARD.

Sound Ideas, STEREO, TURNTABLE - NEEDLE SCRATCHING RECORD, RECORD PLAYER 02 (Heard once in the Funimation version of "A Hero's Farewell" when the music stops.) This is a list of both Japanese and American soundtracks from all four Dragon Ball series.